35% Off: Bioprocessing and Manufacturing Channel Partners in the Americas

This dataset contains the company profiles of channel partners / distributors who supply products and services for Bioprocessing, Drug & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in North & South America.

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Offer will expire expire in 1 weeks on 28-Feb-2025.

35% Off: Channel Partners in the Middle East

Looking for Channel Partners in Middle East?

This dataset contains the company profiles of channel partners in Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates,  & Yemen.


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Offer will expire expire in 1 weeks on 28-Feb-2025.

Antibody Suppliers in South & East Asia

The BCP Partnering Portal serves as a centralized platform, streamlining the process of finding suitable business partners for manufacturers and distributors in the laboratory supply sector.
This dataset includes company profiles of suppliers of antibodies based in South & East Asia.

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Offer will expire expire in 1 weeks on 28-Feb-2025.

Suppliers of Laboratory Products in Africa

Looking for a channel partner in Africa for laboratory products?

We have already collated this information for you to increase your chance of finding the best possible distributor by giving you choice and speeding up your process.

This dataset of potential partners contains company profiles of over 850 suppliers of laboratory products on the continent of Africa.

Two year access to the live dataset is for anyone in your company who wants to work on a project to expand your sales network in the region.

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Offer will expire expire in 1 weeks on 28-Feb-2025.

Channel Partners in France

Looking for distributors in France?

Shortcut your search process - we have already developed a collection of companies who supply products and services in the life science, biotechnology, bioprocessing, analytical, diagnostic, and medical fields!

BioChannel Partners Ltd is an award-winning B2B partnering company, focussing on matchmaking manufacturers and channel partners of scientific related products, for over 21 years.

Subscribe for access to this dataset of potential partners and select the best possible partner for you from our comprehensive collection.

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Offer will expire expire in 10 weeks on 30-Apr-2025.
