BCP Partnering Portal / M&S Instruments Inc
M&S Instruments Inc - Channel Partner based in Japan
Other Offices: Japan
About M&S Instruments Inc
Importing products from overseas and selling them domestically. Going beyond the framework of such an import trading company, M&S has cultivated, refined, and provided world-class technology related to scientific equipment.
Our mission is to "contribute to the coexistence and prosperity of humans, living things, and nature by supporting basic research related to life sciences through the sale of scientific equipment."
We believe that the image of a good company that is trusted by society, business partners, and employees and can contribute to creating a comfortable society that is considerate of the global environment is what is needed in the future, rather than a big company that only pursues profits and aims for scale.
The 21st century is said to be the era of biotechnology. We are proud of the technical capabilities that can support the core of biotechnology and the reliability that we have accumulated by sincerely striving for customer satisfaction. Based on these foundations, we will always pursue "what only we can do" and continue to demonstrate high originality and expertise in cutting-edge niche markets.
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