BCP Partnering Portal / Albio Kimyevi Maddeler Ithalat ve Ticaret A.S
Albio Kimyevi Maddeler Ithalat ve Ticaret A.S - Channel Partner based in Turkey
About Albio Kimyevi Maddeler Ithalat ve Ticaret A.S
Our company since 1983, it was founded, our people will improve the quality of life, science in order to give the preferred products to our country by the people, the medical and diagnostic industry has gained worldwide fame firm makes distributor in Turkey.
People-oriented, our work, our qualified experts trained staff issues, only offered to the industry is not satisfied with the introduction of new products, the implementation of the devices of these products and the staff responsible for the laboratory also in the interpretation of results and clinicians to provide the required support.
The spreading device parking up to Hakkari from Edirne FFWD over the country, Istanbul and Coaches based in Ankara, with trained technical service and application experts in helping timely delivery of reliable test results, there are also contributed to the diagnosis and treatment of acceleration.
Across the country to spread the dealer network with medical and diagnostic industry more quickly and to provide efficient service, our company has committed itself since its establishment, the solution work together in the region of the joint to be well-known and respected companies shows also take care of.
In order to not compromise on quality at every stage of the work, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards of quality documents in 2005, the area from a recognized certification bodies worldwide, our company continues its leadership on this issue
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