BCP Partnering Portal / Promega GmbH
Promega GmbH - Manufacturer based in Germany
Other Offices: United States of America, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Brazil, Singapore
About Promega GmbH
Since 1997, the Promega GmbH as a subsidiary of the Promega Corporation. Mannheim presence and is in charge of more than 50 employees for distributing the products of Promega Corporation in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. In addition to his service center equipped by the Mannheim location with the Promega Corporation. EURO hub through a warehouse of the U.S. parent company, which is responsible for distributing the products of Promega Corporation in Europe. Promega is growing worldwide, organically healthy and dynamic. Thanks to our innovative, high quality and comprehensive service concept, we will continue to expand in the coming years, our leading position in the market.
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