BCP Partnering Portal / QIAGEN Mexico S de RL de CV
QIAGEN Mexico S de RL de CV - Manufacturer based in C.P. 06700 México D.F., México
Other Offices: Germany, Singapore, Australia, Denmark, United Kingdom, United States of America, Austria, The Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
About QIAGEN Mexico S de RL de CV
QIAGEN is the leading global provider of sample and assay technologies. Sample technologies are used to isolate and process DNA, RNA, and proteins from biological samples such as blood or tissue. Assay technologies are used to make such isolated biomolecules, such as the DNA of a specific virus, visible for subsequent analysis.
We have developed and market more than 500 sample and assay products as well as automated solutions for such consumables. The company provides these products to molecular diagnostics laboratories, academic researchers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and applied testing customers for purposes such as forensics, animal or food testing and pharmaceutical process control. QIAGEN's assay technologies include one of the broadest panels of molecular diagnostic tests available worldwide. This panel includes the digene HPV Test, which is regarded as a "gold standard" in testing for high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV), the primary cause of cervical cancer, as well as a broad suite of solutions for infectious disease testing and companion diagnostics.
As of December 31, 2011 QIAGEN employed nearly 3,900 people in over 35 locations worldwide.
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