BCP Partnering Portal / Tarsons Products Pvt Ltd
Tarsons Products Pvt Ltd - Manufacturer based in India
About Tarsons Products Pvt Ltd
Tarsons is a leader in India in the production and supply of laboratory plastic ware for use within molecular biology, cell culture, genomics, proteomics and immunology. The name Tarsons `is synonymous with creativity, togetherness, quality and service. Quality principles apply to all-round activities of our organization: product development through production to customer service. At Tarsons quality is understood as the enhancement of our relationship with customer. Our main endeavor at Tarsons is to provide excellent range of modern products which exactly meets the today’s customer’s requirement. Further we add more value… at Tarsons we also serve our customer by providing the technical information so that our customer can select the right product to their best advantage and optimize the benefit. Tarsons is trying to develop new products in a new era emerging very fast…committed to. Serve the scientific community in realizing their dream. Serve the industry in achieving their objective.
Tarsons Products Pvt. Ltd., presently a renowned name in laboratory accessories was initially a manufacturer of reusable plastic labware. With the passage of time, the company acquired sufficient experience and specialization in the field of laboratory equipment’s .by dint of its competence, Tarsons Products Pvt. Ltd. diversified to manufacture disposable plastic labware, centrifuge ware, cryo labware, Tissue Culture ware and Liquid Handling System, Safety Products and Instruments.
Our strength:
We possess the expertise in plastic molding and have a sound knowledge of latest and inventive laboratory techniques. With our sincerity and aptness we have been serving the scientific community for around thirty years. We are devoted to provide you with the products that you need to accomplish your project.
Product Types:
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