BCP Partnering Portal / NovasBio Inc
NovasBio Inc - Manufacturer based in CA, United States of America
About NovasBio Inc
Novas Bio is a new, young company born in 2020, out of the unprecedented times of the COVID pandemic. Like a nova star, our newness is in our formation only. Our founder and visionary also founded one of most well-respected PCR consumable manufacturing companies in the world known for its quality and innovation.
Novas Bio was formed many months after we began connecting long-time friends with advice and the consumables they needed. As we did this an identifiable rift was presenting itself to us over and over. It was a given that the supply chain could not keep up with demand. But what we couldn’t comprehend was why the supply that was available was only being offered to certain parts of the world. Certain other parts of the world were entirely abandoned. From this Novas Bio was formed with the philosophy of bringing the human aspect first to business.
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