BCP Partnering Portal / Vapourtec Ltd
Vapourtec Ltd is a technology company located near to Cambridge in the UK. Vapourtec has many years experiencing producing world leading flow chemistry equipment for the biggest names in industry and academia across Europe, USA, Asia and the rest of the world.
Vapourtec’s flagship system is the revolutionary R-Series flow chemistry system offering best in class performance. The advanced, highly modular system is capable of either standalone operation or integration with other equipment, providing a complete, versatile, and automated flow chemistry system.
Vapourtec’s manufacture and development operations are based in the UK, with sales and service support based in the UK, USA, Canada and other regions. East coast USA service support is available from our American partner Northeast Technical Services, NY.
At the heart of Vapourtec lies a firm commitment to sound engineering. This ensures reliability and robustness is fundamental to our equipment, and is reflected in the satisfaction of our customer base, many of whom have already returned to place repeat orders.
System overview
Standard configurations
Pump modules
Reactor heater / cooler
Flow reactors overview
Reaction control software
Flow commander software
Flow automation and analysis
System overview
Standard configurations
Support for flow chemistry education
Reagent pumping
Flow reactors overview
Open access control software
Manual control software
Flow reactors overview
Tubular reactor
Glass chip reactors and mixers
Fixed bed reactor
Photochemical UV-150 reactor
Cooled tube reactor
Cooled column reactor
High temperature tube reactor
Heated mixing tube reactor
Heated back pressure regulator
High temperature column reactor
Immobilised photo catalysts reactor
Rapid mixing large volume reactor
Progressive mixing reactor
Tools for Chemistry
Chemistry tools overview
SF-10 reagent pump
SF-10 pump options
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