BCP Partnering Portal / XT Group Scientific Instruments Co Ltd / Aqueous-Channel Scientific Instruments Co Ltd
Xituo Technology is a professional laboratory instrument and equipment service provider. Focus on life sciences, materials science, nanotechnology, remote monitoring and other fields.
Xituo Technology aims to provide customers with fast, comprehensive and high-quality services. The company's customers include university research institutes, government units, hospitals, enterprises, and some of them are included in its supplier system. The company's services include: agent product sales, technical consultation and instrument maintenance, imported equipment purchasing and other services.
The main brands of Xituo Technology include: Kleindiek in Germany, Rumed in Germany, MRC in Germany, Wagner in United States, Nightsea in United Kingdom, Seward in United States, BioSpherix in United States, TriKenitics, etc.
In 2018, XTG Technology Company was established Germany to strengthen the cooperation between XTG and European suppliers, and provide more convenient and complete technical and business services for XTG customers.
Kleindiek, Germany
Micro-tweezers device MGS2
Micro Rotating Arm ROTIP
Weak Force Device FMS
Weak current device LCMK
Microinjection System MIS
Probing Shuttle
EBIC Detection System
Plug-in tools
Rumed, Germany
Protein crystal growth chamber
Low temperature incubator
Fruit fly incubator
Germany MRC
MR compatible camera
PinPrick Pain Stimulator
Laser Autocollimation System
Laser position detector
TriKinetics USA
Activity Monitor
Eclosion Monitor
Mechanical sleep deprivation
Wagner USA
Pain meter
Biospherix USA
Precision gas control system
Electronic Von Frey Meter
Stereo microscope fluorescence adapter system
NightSea Accessories
Fruit fly supplies
Fruit fly monitoring tube
Somedic SenseLab, Sweden
TriTech Research
Fruit fly incubator
Photon System Instrument
FP 100
DART high-throughput Drosophila behavior video analysis system
Drosophila T-MAZE
The Drosophila T-maze Olfactor
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