Special Offers / Life Sciences Channel Partners in China
Life Sciences Channel Partners in China
Countries/Regions: China.
Industry: Life Sciences.
Company Type: Channel Partner.
Looking for channel partners of Life Science Products in China?
With over 600 company profiles, including details about the suppliers they partner with, this dataset provides a clear view of supply chain dynamics and customer relationships in the life sciences market. The BCP Partnering Portal is a powerful platform for identifying potential partners, understanding market reach, and even spotting gaps or opportunities for growth.
Number of Profiles in Dataset: 627
Profiles from this dataset that you Already own: 0
Number of 'New To You' profiles in dataset: 627
Normal Price: £ 626.00
Discount Percentage: 35.00 %
Discounted Price: £ 406.90
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More than just a list of companies!
- The BCP Partnering Portal serves as a centralized platform, streamlining the process of finding suitable business partners for manufacturers and distributors in the laboratory supply sector.
- Your datasets are available for 2 years - this includes any changes made during your subscription period including updates to existing company profiles and new companies added.
- Dataset subscription includes access to our partner qualification tool where you can collaborate with colleagues, make private notes on individual profiles, upload documents and download company profile data in PDF and Excel format.
- There is no limit to the number of people in your company who can access your dataset and use the partner qualification tool.
- Contact points such as addresses, phone numbers, websites, email addresses and social media profiles give you multiple ways to contact the potential partners.
- Company profiles contain keyword categories to show their fields of interest, relationships they have with other companies such as parents, subsidiaries, local offices, and suppliers.
- Datasets can be segmented by country and a wide selection of product / application filters. This will enable you to home in on an even more targeted dataset of potential partners.
- Our industry is extraordinarily dynamic - the BCP Partnering Portal is constantly updated to reflect these changes.